
Paul Harris Fellow recognition was created in 1957 in memory of the founder of Rotary as a way to show appreciation for contributions to the Foundation's charitable and educational program.  Every Paul Harris Fellow receives a pin, a medallion and a certificate when he or she becomes a Fellow.  This identifies the Paul Harris Fellow as an advocate of the Foundation's goals of world peace and international understanding.

It has been a practice of our club to award Paul Harris Fellowship to select persons in appreciation of their service. The Fellowships salute a Rotarian or a member of the community for exceptional service but at the same time demonstrate the belief in the value of the Foundation's humanitarian and educational programs in helping to save and change lives around the world.

Paul Harris Fellows in our Club are:

  • Vance Billey
  • Norm Castiglione
  • Al Clements
  • Harlene Day
  • Davis Edels
  • Joanne Fath
  • Bev Geier
  • Rick Oncescu
  • Brian Quigley
  • Dick Scotnicki
  • Ted Shacklady
  • John Lockhart